Monex Ltd
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About Monex - Wooden Crafts and Souvenirs in Jamaica
Wooden crafts and souvenirs in Jamaica Monex Ltd. is the income generating arm of the Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre.
It is a non-profit, charitable organization which is operated by the Mona Rehabilitation Foundation.

It was established in 1956 with the aim of providing jobs for ex-patients and disabled persons in general. The main project is a woodwork shop that manufactures high quality craft items which are sold at the Monex Gift Shop.

As rehabilitation implies, the necessity for making the disabled worker understands that hard work and excellent quality will more than make up for the slowness which results from being physically challenged.

Quality has always been the aim rather than any form of mass production.

In 1962, Lady Golding organized the printing and distribution of a prestige Christmas card which was to be sold in aid of the centre. The next year a series of cards were designed suitable to be hand-painted by the most severely disabled ex-patients. Since 1963, each year cards hand-painted by ex-patients, as well as prestige cards, have been sold at the gift shop.
A number of artists including the late Rhoda Jackson, Mrs. Joanne Sibley and Mrs. Phoebe Hart gave their designs free of cost.

Because of our consistently good quality, Monex Ltd. has over the years established itself as one of the best places in Jamaica to shop for wood craft souvenirs whether for local use or for taking overseas. 

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Monex Ltd.
Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Tel: (876) 927-2658 | Fax: (876) 620-7112 | Email:
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